Problem Behaviors Aren’t Always Surface-Level Issues

Problem behaviours go beyond the surface

Tap into the science of executive function to get to the root of an employee’s underperformance.

Whether it’s gaining a fresh perspective on your current projects with a new hire or finding creative ways to nurture the team you already have, managers play a crucial role in supporting a company’s culture. Although you may find great satisfaction when your efforts pay off, you also must take responsibility when problems arise. That is especially true when a direct report is underperforming.

What Manager hasn’t been in that position?

Perhaps your new hire had an impressive resume but inexplicably struggled to meet expectations. Or maybe an employee started off strong, but their motivation seemed to fall off a cliff. Compounding the problem, the consequences to your team—such as higher stress, extra hours to compensate for underperformers, and lower morale—can lead to burnout for your other direct reports (not to mention for you as the manager).

Given the frustration everyone experiences, team members may come to view the underperforming employee as not only scattered or forgetful but as unmotivated. Worse yet, the individual may begin to believe those labels and perpetuate their challenges: “Hey, I’m just kind of disorganized—so what?”

Read the full article

The article is written by Michael Delman and published in the Td Magazine September 2021 edition 

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